Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Leukemia Therapy, Chemotherapy Until Era Of Stem Cell Therapy

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and lymphatic tissues. Most patients with leukemia undergoing chemotherapy are the type of treatment using drugs to kill leukemia cells. Depending on the type of leukemia, the patient may receive one or a combination of two or more drugs. In certain types of leukemia biological therapy to boost the body's natural defenses against cancer. This therapy is given by injection in the veins. For patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, using a type of biological therapy monoclonal antibody that binds to the leukemia cells. This therapy enables the immune system to kill leukemia cells in the blood and bone marrow. For patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, biological therapy used is a natural substance called interferon to slow the growth of leukemia cells. Roads further therapy can be done through radiotherapy with high-energy rays to kill leukemia cells. A large machine directs radiation at the spleen, brain, or other parts of the body where leukemia cells stacked this. Some patients receive radiation that is directed to the whole body. Total-body irradiation is usually given before bone marrow transplantation.

The latest breakthrough is a stem cell transplant / stem cells (stem cells). Examples of the use of stem cell therapy that is often heard is a bone marrow transplant for patients with haematological malignancies such as leukemia and genetic disorders like thalassemia. The difficulty in this way is the absolute fulfillment of the terms match HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigent) 100% between the donor and the recipient (receiver). In addition to the stem cells from bone marrow, is also cultivated from peripheral blood stem cells with a specific filtering technique.

The main source of stem cells in the body's bone marrow does not appear, but the fluid placenta (umbilical cord blood). The development of stem cell source to achieve a better direction, from umbilical cord blood. Stem cells from cord blood tend to be better, because more "pure" from the changes in the genetic trait rather than after growing up. These genetic changes could occur by the influence of infections or environmental factors (eg radiation). Stem cells in umbilical fresher, more plastic, and more active than stem cells from other sources. Nevertheless, the best cells to be used as the source of stem cells are human embryonic cells, which appear on the embryo baby was about 7 days. These cells are blastocyst cells are the most agile. However, to date, taking stem cells from these sources is still a controversy because it is the same as killing the fetus.

In general, stem cell is located in a hidden area which is less oxygen in the bone marrow. These cells appear when the body suffers injury, leading to the brain cells during a stroke, slipped into the red blood cells from leukemia when pain occurs, and so on. One of the advantages is that although stem cells injected into various blood vessels, he never forgot the way back to the first cell (cell to injury). Cord blood is also not contain immune cells that are relatively mature, so the lower immunological rejection reaction. Thus, cord blood can be transplanted into another patient without having to get a 100% HLA match. Compatibility of about 60% have been able to prevent rejection reactions. In the process, certainly not the only blood disease that is expected to be overcome with stem cell therapy.

Stem cell treatment is done by injecting stem cells into damaged cells in the organs of the body. Patients will receive healthy stem cells through a flexible tube placed in a large vein in the neck or chest area. The cells will grow new blood from the transplanted stem cells this. After a stem cell transplant, patients usually stay in hospital for several weeks. Health team will protect patients from infection until the stem cells (stem cell) transplantation results begin producing white blood cells in adequate amounts

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Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

Peluang Kerja Perawat

Untuk perawat lulusan D3 atau ahli madya keperawatan(AMK) banyak sekali peluang kerja baik di rumah sakit negeri maupun swasta.jadi jangan kwatir jika anda lulusan D3 keperawatan menganggur. tapi jika anda ingin yang lebih menantang lagi coba deh untuk mengikuti tes untuk kerja di luar negeri salah lembaga yang menyalurkan itu ialah NCLEX. disana kita akan di tes dan nantinya jika lulus kita akan di tempatkan di negara2 maju seperti amerika, dan eropa. persyaratannya tentu kita bisa bahasa negara yang ingin kita tuju. untuk masalah gaji tentu sangat lah beda dari perawat2 di indonesia kisarannya 3000 dollar sampai 5000 dollar.
untuk lebih jelas lagi coba dah liat webside NCLEX.

Sabtu, 05 April 2008

Academy Student Nurse Blog

finally created a blog for college students these nurses. hopefully with the existence of this blog we can exchange information or even know the course material for students Akper.

thanks to:

1. God forever
2. Amos. who have been taught in terms of making this blog
3. friends who already support the making of this blog
4. My Parents who have given the spirit of the lecture
5. Lecturer - Nursing Pelni lecturer who has provided information materials - lecture material
6. bloggers who want to join